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COVID-19 & Local 208 - (3/16/2020)

Dear Members:


Local 208 is taking every precaution to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 and we want to ensure all our staff, officers and members wellbeing come first and far most. 


Per the recommendation of General President McManus and best practices out lined by the CDC, the UA is asking all locals throughout the United States, to put policies and procedures in place to help slow the spread of this new virus for the wellbeing of not only our members but the nation.  I have put the below procedures in place until further notice, the hall will remain open with all officers and staff, we are asking members to limit their access.  I ask that all members refrain from coming to the hall unless you are picking up a dispatch or have critical issue that needs addressing.  Please pay your dues online or over the phone.  I am encouraging everyone to please exercise caution and avoid coming to the hall if possible. 


We have already been in communication with the contractors association and have listed jobsite provisions below.  We will continue to work with our contractors partners and our elected officials to implement additional policies as the situation progresses.  We will continue to communicate as new information arises and ask that all members call the hall and speak with either myself or an agent if they have any questions or concerns regarding this email, as of today, I have enforced the following:



Local Union and Apprenticeship

  1. Apprenticeship classes will be shut down for (2) weeks, if you have any questions please call the JATC at 303-428-6541.  Further communication will sent directly from the JATC.
  2. The Union meeting for March 24, 2020 -Has been canceled
  3. All travel for the agents and myself has been cancelled until further notice
  4. Please call 303-428-4380 to pay your dues or utilize online payments


Local 208 – MCA/MSCA

  1. In the event a jobsite is shut down due to a General Contractor or Owner all members will be given a Job Attached layoff and will be immediately eligible for unemployment.  We are working with CDLE to explore options on special waivers for the typical waiting week. 
  2. We are awaiting direction on a national level, there is current legislation making its way through an expediated process that will provide for additional employment provisions.    


Brothers and sisters, I know this is an uncertain time for our families, friends, neighbors, and State, we will rise to the challenge COVID-19 presents just like we have risen to every challenge before it, however, during this time I ask that you help each other especially elderly members who cannot get out to shop and make sure they have support/supplies they need during this crisis.


In Solidarity I am


Gerald L. Arnold

Business Manager of

Denver Pipefitters Local 208

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