Political Action - Pipefitters 208 "Get Involved"

We have created this page in conjunction with the United Association Political & Legislative Affairs Department to enable members to GET INVOLVED in the political and legislative process.  For local and regional politics we will update you with current information.

Latest Video from UA Get Involved

The above video player is a playlist with dozens of videos.


Through the International, you can visit their website to access effective grass-roots tools that will allow you to GET INVOLVED at both the national and local level.  Up-to-date information on recent events is also made available on both websites for key legislative and political issues relevant to workers and the labor movement.
The United Association views legislative and political affairs among our top goals and priorities, primarily because of the impact on jobs and on our future.  And, today, the need for every UA member to be politically and legislatively active is greater than ever before. Our efforts are focused on protecting rights of workers and unions and creating good jobs for working families.  Our strength, as always, lies in our solidarity – when our voices united as one, we cannot be ignored.
Now is the time to GET INVOLVED!   Whether you are veteran UA member or a first-year apprentice --your involvement is essential to our future.


Hello Brothers and Sisters,

By now I’m sure most of you have seen the UA’s endorsement of Joe Biden for President.  While Local 208 has not yet finalized our endorsement in the Presidential race, I thought it was important to share the official correspondence from General President McManus explaining the reasoning behind the UA endorsement of the Biden campaign. 

Endorsing one candidate over another is always a difficult process, our membership is a diverse group and political views even more diversified.  Tough decisions like these must be weighed and ultimately made by considering how to help the largest percentage of the membership.  Regardless of individual political views our membership must remain united in solidarity!  That doesn’t mean that every member needs to agree with every decision but we should be proud of the fair and democratic process our international and our local union utilize while making important decisions, including endorsements.

Passionate debate/discussions are a welcome tradition of the UA and Local 208 but remaining respectful and remindful of our duty to treat every brother/sister with the warmest friendship and brotherly love are even greater traditions.  I applaud our members that speak their mind and wear their heart on their sleeve with every second of the day.  My only request is that you take the time to read the included attachments to fully understand the process taken and the reasoning behind the decision.   

No matter what you decide to do on November 3rd, 2020, please remember that the world is ran by the people that bother to show up!  Make your vote count and however the election turns out we will remain united in solidarity working together for our shared better future. 

Please CLICK HERE to read the letter about the UA Endorsements for President of the United States


Monthly PEC Meetings!

Come on down to local 208's hall and join us for our PEC Meetings! The Political Education Committee (PEC) meets the 1ST TUESDAY of every month, unless otherwise specified. Meetings start at 6:00pm and anyone is welcome to attend. Any cancellations or re-scheduling information will be posted here. Hope to see you there!  


Dear Members: 
If you are interested in receiving Political information by email/mail from the local please contact the hall either by phone or email and indicate what party you registered with.  This information remains private and will not be discussed or given out to other affiliations.
Also, please make sure that your email and phone numbers are up to date with us at the hall. 
Please call - 303-428-4380 or email Becca@pipe208.com, or Tahra@pipe208.com 

 In Solidarity, Gary Arnold Business Manager 



Pipefitters Local Union 208 strives to provide our members with a quality of life characterized by respect and social-economic security through promoting and representing the interest of all working men and women in the piping industry. Below is some information on our Endorsements for the most recent Elections.

Need to Register to Vote? Click HERE to register today!


Pipefitters PEC Endorsed Candidates

Local 208 Endorsed Candidates 2024 please CLICK HERE to see the list 

Endorsement Alert - Pipefitters Local 208 Endorses Travis Liker for Denver City Council At-Large 2023 please CLICK HERE to learn more