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Important 208 Election Notice! - (3/24/2020)

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

I hope this letter and the correspondences from UA General President, Mark McManus, finds you and your family Safe and Well! (Click HERE to view message from McManus)

Per recommendations from the UA General Offices, the CDC, and State/Local Health Officials, I am cancelling all membership functions for the months of March, April, and May.  This includes all boards, committees, and membership meetings.  We are hopeful that the current COVID-19 crisis will be contained in the next few months and normal meetings/functions will resume in June.  

General President McManus has exercised his authority under Section 46(f) of the UA Constitution to issue the following interpretation of the Business Manager’s authority under Section 103 of the Constitution, allowing all Business Managers to allocate a collectively bargained increase on a tentative basis without membership approval.  When membership meetings resume, the tentative allocation made will be presented to the membership for approval or revision.  I will be allocating $0.25 cents to the H&W and the remaining monies will go on the check per CBA agreement and classification.  The wage sheets must be completed and delivered to the contractors prior to the June 1, 2020 implementation date to allow accounting departments to make the required changes.  On June 1, 2020 every member will be able to find the wage sheets online at pipe208.com, under the members only section.

For UA locals including Local 208 that have nominations scheduled for May and elections in June, General President McManus has exercised his authority under UA constitution, Section 46(f), to make exceptions to certain election provisions in Sections 122 & 123 of the UA Constitution.  Due to these exceptions I have made the decision to delay nominations until July and elections to August.

Unfortunately, with the uncertainty in the US and here locally in Colorado, to protect our members, we are cancelling the 2019 Longevity Awards dinner that was to be held on May 1, 2020. and will reschedule and/ or send out the awards in the mail.

The Annual Picnic which will be held Saturday, August 29, 2020 here at the hall. (flyers to follow)



The nominations of Officers will be held at a Special Call meeting on, Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 6:00 pm, at 6350 N. Broadway, Denver Co, with regular union meeting to follow


Sec. 121 – No member shall be eligible to be nominated for office in any Local Union unless he shall be a journeyman member and shall have been a member of the United Association and the Local Union in good standing for at least a period of two (2) years immediately prior to the election.  Any journeyman member who owes or has paid the reinstatement fee within a period of two (2) years immediately prior to the date of election shall not be eligible to be nominated for office of any local.


The Election of Officers will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2020, at 6350 N. Broadway, Denver, CO, from 8:00 a.m., till 5:00 p.m.


Sec 124. (a)  No member shall vote at any election of any description unless he/she has been a member in good standing in the Local Union when the vote is being taken for a period of one (1) year immediately prior to the date of election.  Any member who owes or has paid a reinstatement fee within a period of one (1) year immediately prior to the date of election shall not be eligible to vote in any Local union election.




Business Manager (1)                                           Business Agents (2)

President (1)                                                            Vice President (1)

Recording Secretary (1)                                       Inside Guard (1)

Executive Board (4)                                               Finance Board (3)

Examining Board (5)        



In case of a tie, the Special Call run-off election will be held:

Tuesday, June 30th, 2020

12:00 noon, to 6 p.m.

At 6350 N. Broadway, Denver CO

Results will be read in main hall and put on the website once the ballots have been counted and confirmed



Fraternally, I am

Gerald L. Arnold

Business Manager of

Denver Pipefitters Local 208

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