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CANCELLED: 2019 Longevity Awards - (3/23/2020)

Dear Longevity and Retired Members:

I know by now you have seen my email, mailing and the website showing that the 2019 Longevity awards has been cancelled.  I felt I needed to address you personally.  It is a great honor for me and the officers to present your longevity award and I am saddened that I felt we needed to postpone this celebration.  Please know that I didn't make this decision lightly and I only want what is best not only for our active members but also those who have retired and put in their years of service to this local, the members, and the United Association.  I am hoping once the current COVID-19 outbreak is under control we can resume business as usual.  We will make every effort to celebrate your Longevity with the Local and the officers, either later this year or in conjunction with next year's celebration.  Please stay safe Brothers and sisters and if you need anything please do not hesitate to call the hall.

In solidarity I am
Gerald L. Arnold
Business Manager of Local 208

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