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2020 Retiree Picnic Cancelled - (4/28/2020)

Dear Retiree Members


Local 208, its Officers and Staff, hope this email finds you and your families, safe and well during this pandemic.  After careful consideration on the Governors “Safer at home orders”,  Steve and Peggy Walker and myself have decided it is in the best interest of our members and retired members, to cancel the June 2020 BBQ.  I am hoping that in September when your meetings resume, we can have them here at the hall.  Please pass this information on to members of Local 208 who might not have email.

Be Safe Brothers and Sisters, and if you need anything at all, please call the hall and speak with one of the agents or myself.


In Solidarity 

Gary Arnold 

Business Manager 

Denver Pipefitters Local 208

Office: (303) 428-4380

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