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Special Call Meeting Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - (7/22/2020)

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

A Special call notice went out to the membership regarding the meeting that will be held Tuesday, July 28, 2020.  It will be a busy night and I wanted all the members aware of how we will conduct the meeting with the pandemic.

1. If you need to pay your dues, the window will be open until 6:00 pm.
2. The meetings will be held outside by the New Building under the bridge crane.
3. Masks are mandatory, we will have masks available for any member that needs one.  We will also have hand sanitizer available.
4. We will start the meeting as usuall by Initiating new members.
5. After initiating new members we will suspend the normal meeting and move to discussion and vote on the breakout of money per each contract (MCA/MSCA).  Gas Distribution wage breakout discussion and vote will be held the following evening 7/29/20.
6. Nominations of officers will be held after the wage breakout is completed.
7. We will resume the normal meeting but suspend reports due to time restraints, we will present at least (1) month of financials in an effort to catch up for the previous months canceled meetings.

Thank you, brothers and sisters, for all your support during this pandemic, I hope to see you all at this special call meeting

In Solidarity I am
Gary Arnold
Business Manager of
Denver Pipefitters Local 208

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