The Home Association started a new 18,000 sq. ft. Building at 6350 Broadway in May of 1971. The facility was able to accommodate a meeting hall, office space for the Apprenticeship Coordinator, as well as classrooms, welding labs and parking for 250 cars. The building was ready to be occupied in January of 1972.
Some twenty years later, the need for more classrooms and training rooms became apparent. To fulfill this need, construction began on two new buildings. Building A, a 9,000 sq. ft. facility, was built for heating and refrigeration labs and four classrooms. Building B, a 4,000 sq. ft. facility, was built for the welding labs. Additional office space for training and administration was added for an additional 4, 000 sq. ft. Local 208 now has 35,000 sq. ft of building and 250 spaces for parking.
This enormous amount of work all began under the direction of the Home Association. The hard working Home Association members at that time were:
Phase II of this enormous project was started in 1999 in order to double the size of JATC and offices, as well as the local 208 offices. This project was finished in 2000 and paid for by November 2000. The Home Association members at this time are:
Starting from the renting of office and meeting space we had some 53 years ago, the Home Association has developed to where we now have four (4) buildings and 7½ acres of land.
The Home Association would like to thank the membership for the support and trust they have demonstrated throughout the years for the Home Association.

Home of U.A. Pipefitters Local Union No. 208 - 6350 Broadway, Denver
1947-1948 - First recorded record of Denver Pipefitters Apprenticeship with Emily Griffith Opportunity School.
Management Representatives |
Labor Representatives
Douglas Bell, Secretary
John McCarty
Robert Anderson |
Fred Donner, Chairman
Thomas Hambly
Robert Hurket |
Related Training Hours required - 144 per year
September 25, 1950 - First recorded minutes Denver Pipefitters JAC.
1958 - Collective Bargaining Agreement established a Joint Management/Labor Committee to study ways to improve Journeyman/Apprenticeship Education.
January 16, 1961 - First Journeyman Training Program started.
April 1, 1961 - Collective Bargaining Agreement gave Joint Apprenticeship Committee the necessary authority to adopt the National Apprenticeship Standards.
May 8, 1961 - JAC approved National Standards. Related Training Hours increased to 216 per year.
April 1, 1963 - Agreement & Declaration of Trust of Denver Pipefitters Joint Apprenticeship Committee and Denver Pipefitters Apprenticeship Fund was signed; also, established one cent per hour into the trust fund.
December 9, 1963 - Committee made and approved a motion to accept applications for Training Coordinator.
May 11, 1964 - Bob Mansfield selected as first Training Coordinator.
November 9, 1964 - Training Coordinator Bob Mansfield recommended all completing apprentices be required to take the Purdue Examination and score 1400 points out of a possible 2000. The Committee approved this action.
July 30, 1965 - Training Coordinator Bob Mansfield resigned.
August 30, 1965 - New Training Coordinator A.R. Thorp selected, 10-20 hours per week.
March 1, 1966 - Training Coordinator A.R. Thorp went to full time status.
June 8, 1967 - Training Coordinator A.R. Thorp put on part time due to poor financial conditions.
March 1, 1968 - Training Coordinator A.R. Thorp back to full time status.
August 21, 1972 - Business Manager Roy Nylander made a motion requesting the Committee be increased to four members Labor/Management, the additional men will be from Refrigeration. Approved.
October 15, 1973 - JATC approved the acceptance of the Ft. Collins Pipefitter Apprentices into Local 208's Training Program.
December 10, 1973 - A motion was made and approved to adopt the new Apprenticeship Standards. This established a 4-year program instead of a 5-year program.
March 1, 1974 - The transfer of pipefitter apprentices from Ft. Collins Local 461 completed.
February 7, 1977 - Implemented the 4-year Apprenticeship Program.
March 14, 1977 - Training Coordinator A. R. Thorp resigned. Effective date May 1, 1977.
April 25, 1977 - Lee Sweeney selected as new Training Coordinator.
June 17, 1978 - Completion Ceremony awards for Highest Completion Score and Best Attendance were presented for the first time.
April 23, 1980 - JATC was approved for Tax Exempt status from the IRS.
March 6, 1985 - The JATC adopted the use of the Apprentice Handbook and included it into the Apprenticeship Standards.
May 27, 1987 - Committee approved 5-year Apprenticeship Standards.
January 1, 1989 - Contributions for the Certified Journeyman Training Program started, 10 cents per hour.
October 17, 1989 - The first class for Certified Journeymen was held.
March 24, 1992 - Training Coordinator Lee Sweeney retired. Effective date June 1, 1992.
May 26, 1992 - JATC selected John T. Lundgren as the new Training Coordinator.
September 12, 1992 - Certified Journeyman Training Committee began voluntary training for the EPA-CFC Program.
September 30, 1992 - JATC approved awards for Perfect Attendance on a per semester basis.
February 17, 1993 - The United Association selected Local 208 to be the third Local Union selected as a United Association Welder Testing Facility.
April 24, 1993 - The first United Association Welder Test was completed.
October 27, 1993 - EPA approved the United Association and Local 208 to be a 608 Technician Certification Testing Agency (CFC).
November 17, 1993 - Committee began discussion of splitting the Training Program into Service and Construction curriculums.
January 26, 1994 - Local 208 Membership voted to increase assessments .25%, for the purpose of hiring an architect for a feasibility study of building an addition to the training facility.
March 22, 1995 - Local 208 Membership voted to increase assessments 1% for the purpose of building an addition to the training facility.
September 5, 1995 - Apprentice Related Training begins with the split of Service and Construction curriculum.
November 14, 1995 - Ground Breaking Ceremony for the new training facility.
July 26, 1996 - Open House Ceremony for the new training building. Allyn Parmenter, United Association Training Director and William D. Pickens, United Association International Representative were in attendance.
September 10, 1997 - Committee approved motion to increase the Committee by one Labor member and one Management member selected from RACCA.
April 22, 1998 - Committee approved the selection of Arthur S. Salazar as Assistant Training Coordinator.
June 1, 1998 - The transfer of pipefitter apprentices from Boulder Local 575 completed.
July 28, 1999 - Committee approved new Apprenticeship Standards, which raised Related Training Hours from 216 to 246 per year.
July 19, 2000 - Received full accreditation for the training facility and Instructional Program from the United Association.